Moving from managing our children to dancing with them

Some time ago in my children's pediatrician's office, I found this graphic on the wall. I took a picture of it because it seemed to me a very good way to summarize, without so much theory, how the role of parents changes as their children grow up.

That is the wonder of graphics, that in a visual way and with three words, (in this case a little more than three), they transmit what a 300-page book wants to tell us. The good thing is that we all understand the terms, so I share with you the graphic so that those who want to, can print it and put it in a visible place in their homes.

I personally confess that I am in the stage of Supervising my children, of course sometimes I go back to the Manager stage and do things that I know they can do on their own. What stage are you in with your children?

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