Feminei is a personal development company for today's women who want to achieve a fulfilling life.
The art of living is the process of building your own personal story.
Feminei will accompany you in your process, little by little, like good artisans, -handmade- with a lot of care, attention and dedication.
Coaching for women
The art of living starts with knowing thyself
Feminei Coaching Model FCM™
“Know thyself, Accept thyself, Forgive thyself, Love thyself, Overcome thyself”
Based on the person, habits and virtues.

Who We Are
Feminei in Latin means "that which relates to woman", that which has to do with her, the totality of her inherent characteristics and qualities, not as opposed to masculinity, but as an essential counterpart or corresponding force, and vice versa.
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Our goal is for you to discover who you are meant to be and live a life full of meaning and fulfillment.
That you can manage your life, set goals, take responsibility for your actions, build healthy relationships and live the best version of yourself, in other words: the art of living.
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How the role of parents changes as their children grow up.