Living our History
Maria Clara Maria Clara

Living our History

We all have a story to tell, a story to live and that is unique and unrepeatable. Maybe we think that ours is not worth it or that it is boring, but it is not so, your story and mine are equally important and that is why it is worth living it and make it our great adventure.

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Are we breeding or educating?
Family Angelica Puglisi Family Angelica Puglisi

Are we breeding or educating?

When I finished my studies in Human Resources, I already had two children and I saw the need to elaborate a family plan, so I used the templates of a subject, specifically everything related to "Performance Evaluation" to work with our family and enunciate: Mission, Vision, Values, our role as parents, areas of action and areas of responsibility.

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 How to support fathers towards committed fatherhood?
Family Angélica Puglisi Family Angélica Puglisi

How to support fathers towards committed fatherhood?

The challenge of these times is not to keep talking about how to support women in obtaining demanding and competitive jobs through women's quotas in business and government, but to talk about how to enable men to fully assume their role as fathers and get the recognition and support they deserve.

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Learning to say NO
Personal Growing Feminei Personal Growing Feminei

Learning to say NO

Personally I have always had a hard time saying no, and it was simply because I was not clear about my priorities, and I let myself be fooled and distracted by the emergencies and without realizing it, took me away day by day from my objectives.

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Teens cry out for firmness
Familia Angélica Puglisi Familia Angélica Puglisi

Teens cry out for firmness

They will make us doubt, we will feel bad, but we know deep in our hearts that this NO is what is right for them. We do not need to be perfect to be firm, that is, it would be ideal if we were consistent in how we think and act, but it is not a prerequisite when it comes to our children.

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Do we know our emotions?
Crecimiento Personal Maria Clara Crecimiento Personal Maria Clara

Do we know our emotions?

When we ignore our emotions and do not live them, unfortunately there is no learning. Let's say that in the school of life, the different emotions are all the subjects that we must live, to learn and continue growing and maturing. Thanks to these experienced and lived emotions we become more and more human, more aware of ourselves and others.

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Our goal is for you to discover who you are meant to be and live a life full of meaning and fulfilment.

That you can manage your life, set goals, take responsibility for your actions, build healthy relationships and live the best version of yourself, in other words: the art of living.


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